(LoL) = Scope
- Gather information inside NounsDAO
- Responsible for keeping our Rep up to date with Lil Nouns DAO activities/initiatives
- Post snapshot votes mirroring NounsDAO proposals and making timely announcement to encourage engagement
- Assure our vote is casted in time while giving our DAO enough time to vote
- Four LoL voices should have unique perspective / purview over lilnoun community
- Compensation is still TBD but role is subject to comp
- stipend will be awarded 2 weeks after election concludes?
LoL Focus Areas?
Below are the focus areas.
- data?
- community outreach
- nounsdao proposal due dilligence
- LoL candidates share unique areas of focus before election
League of Lil’s - Voters (Signers Process)
- 2/5 multisig (2 signer required to push a txn through, 5 total addresses as potential singers)
- 5 members in total. Top 4 elected candidates will become signers alongside a lilnounder